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Karen Bennicke - Artists - HB381

Karen Bennicke (b. 1943, Denmark) is known for her sculptures composed of complex geometric figures, which superimpose cartographic overviews of city life, constructed landscapes, and architectural diagrams onto three-dimensional ceramic forms. Her systematic process translates data points describing urban and architectural space into a complex network of carvings, excavations, and crisscrossing topographies. City streets, urban parks, traffic routes, and subway lines are layered on top of one another, compressed into an afterimage of the forces that formed them. Ultimately, Bennicke’s slab-formed sculptures develop a quality of artifacts or fossils. While each work arises from the implementation of a set of rules, the end result is enigmatic and magnetic, charged with arcane symbolism. The earth-toned terracotta and monochrome geometries prompt philosophical rumination on the city as a set of contested relations; her sculptures suggest that, obscured by time, traffic, and constant dynamism, our environment is ultimately unknowable, constantly in a process of formation and sedimentation.

Bennicke's work is featured in many museum public collections, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Museum of Modern Ceramic Art in Gifu, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the Nationalmuseum of Stockholm, and the Designmuseum Danmark in Copenhagen. She is the recipient of the Thorvald Bindesboll Medal from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and a Lifelong Achievement Award from the Danish Arts Foundation.

Selected Works

Selected Works Thumbnails
MP I, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

6" H x 18" W x 3" D

MP I, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

6" H x 18" W x 3" D

MP II, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

8.75" H x 33.5" W x 6.25" D

MP II, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

8.75" H x 33.5" W x 6.25" D

MP III, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

39" H x 10" W x 5.75" D

MP III, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

39" H x 10" W x 5.75" D

MP IIIA, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

39.25" H x 6.25" W x 10" D

MP IIIA, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

39.25" H x 6.25" W x 10" D

MP IIIB, 2024

Terracotta and stoneware, slab built

13" H x 11" W x 5" D

MP IIIB, 2024

Terracotta and stoneware, slab built

13" H x 11" W x 5" D

MP IV, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

34.75" H x 6.25" W x 6" D

MP IV, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

34.75" H x 6.25" W x 6" D

MP IVA, 2024

Terracotta, slab built

40.5" H x 13.5" W x 9.25" D

MP IVA, 2024

Terracotta, slab built

40.5" H x 13.5" W x 9.25" D

MP V, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

35.25" H x 6" W x 6" D

MP V, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

35.25" H x 6" W x 6" D

MP VA, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

35" H x 7.5" W x 5.75" D

MP VA, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

35" H x 7.5" W x 5.75" D

MP VI, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

18.5" H x 13.75" W x 4.5" D

MP VI, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

18.5" H x 13.75" W x 4.5" D

MP VIB, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

15.75" H x 18.5" W x 6.75" D

MP VIB, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

15.75" H x 18.5" W x 6.75" D

MP VIII, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

8" H x 25.25" W x 4.75" D

MP VIII, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

8" H x 25.25" W x 4.75" D

MP VII, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

16.5" H x 15" W x 4.75" D

MP VII, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

16.5" H x 15" W x 4.75" D

MP VIIIA, 2024

Glazed stoneware, slab built

13" H x 10.5" W x 5" D

MP VIIIA, 2024

Glazed stoneware, slab built

13" H x 10.5" W x 5" D

Geometrical Construction, 2019

Glazed faience, slab built with MDF podium

74.75" H x 31.5" W x 22" D

Geometrical Construction, 2019

Glazed faience, slab built with MDF podium

74.75" H x 31.5" W x 22" D

MP I, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

6" H x 18" W x 3" D
MP II, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

8.75" H x 33.5" W x 6.25" D
MP III, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

39" H x 10" W x 5.75" D
MP IIIA, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

39.25" H x 6.25" W x 10" D
MP IIIB, 2024

Terracotta and stoneware, slab built

13" H x 11" W x 5" D
MP IV, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

34.75" H x 6.25" W x 6" D
MP IVA, 2024

Terracotta, slab built

40.5" H x 13.5" W x 9.25" D
MP V, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

35.25" H x 6" W x 6" D
MP VA, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

35" H x 7.5" W x 5.75" D
MP VI, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

18.5" H x 13.75" W x 4.5" D
MP VIB, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

15.75" H x 18.5" W x 6.75" D
MP VIII, 2024

Glazed faience, slab built

8" H x 25.25" W x 4.75" D
MP VII, 2023

Terracotta, slab built

16.5" H x 15" W x 4.75" D
MP VIIIA, 2024

Glazed stoneware, slab built

13" H x 10.5" W x 5" D
Geometrical Construction, 2019

Glazed faience, slab built with MDF podium

74.75" H x 31.5" W x 22" D



Manhattan Portraits, HB381, New York, NY

Spatial Collage, Peach Corner, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Spatial Collage, Modern Shapes Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

Karen Bennicke: Unfolding, Erskine, Hall & Coe, London, UK

Visions Spatiales, Maison du Danemark, Paris, France

Urban Complex, Banja Rathnov Gallery & Kunsthadel, Copenhagen, Denmark

Diamonds Are…, Ann Linnemann Gallery, Contemporary Ceramic Art Copenhagen, Denmark

50th Anniversary Exhibition, Nastved Museum Boderne, Nastved, Denmark

Karen Bennicke: Action—Architectones, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY

Clara Scremini Gallery, Paris, France

Form I Form (Form within Form), Galleri Norby Copenhagen, Denmark
Status: Retrospektiv (Status: Retrospective), CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark

Galerie Bjornen, Stockholm, Sweden
Persona, Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik, Copenhagen, Denmark

Thema, Galerie Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark

Tilbageblik, Keramiske Arbejder 1957-95 (Retrospective, Ceramic Works 1957-95),
Nastved Museum Boderne, Nastved, Denmark

Ribe Art Museum, Ribe, Denmark

Galerie S.C.A.G., Copenhagen, Denmark

Galerie Umbra, Lund, Sweden


Formes Limites, Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris, France
100 Ans de Céramique Danoise, Maison du Danemark, Paris, France
100 Years of Danish Ceramics, Sofienholm, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ceramic Momentum 2019, CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark

Made in Denmark, Grassi Museum of Applied Art, Leipzig, Germany 51 E 10th ST
Geometric Scales (with Masamichi Yoshikawa), Ann Linnemann Gallery Copenhagen, Denmark

Banja Rathnov Gallery, Copenhagen Denmark

Random Growth, Sarah Myerscough Gallery, London, UK
Many a Slip, Marsden Woo Gallery, London, UK

Fremsynet Tilbageblik (Forward-Looking Retrospect), Kunstetagerne, Hobro, Denmark
Did, Ting go Tanker (Time, Things, and Thoughts), Nastved Museum Boderne, Nastved, Denmark (Curator)
The Time is Always Now, Banja Rathnov Gallery & Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, Denmark

Architectural Rounds, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Med Leret Som Gidsel (Holding the Clay Hostage), Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon, Videbak, Denmark
TERRES: Copenhagen Ceramics Invites, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France
From Frame to Space, Nivaagaards Malerisamling, Niva, Denmark
Danish Design at the House, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Architectural Rounds, Art Centre Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, Denmark
Geometrical Evolution, Copenhagen Ceramics, Copenhagen, Denmark
Justus Lipsius, Puls Contemporary Ceramics for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs & the Danish EU presidency, Brussels, Belgium

Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium

European Ceramic Context 2010, Bornholms Kunstmuseum, Gudhjem, Denmark
Color, Secret Relationship between Ceramics and Colors, Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Japan
På Tværs (Across), Tap I, Carlsberg, Copenhagen, Denmark

Dansk Keramik (Danish Ceramics), Kunstetagerne, Hobro, Denmark

Vessel | Sculpture, German and International Ceramics since 1946, Grassi Museum of Applied Art, Leipzig, Germany

Biennale for Craft and Design 2007, Trapholt Museum of Modern Art and Design, Kolding, Denmark
Everything is Flux, Drud & Koppe Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
END, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark & Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal, Norway

Museum of Applied Art, International Academy of Ceramics, Riga, Latvia

Kommunikationsstykker (Communication Pieces), Galleri Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark
Scandinavian Design beyond the Myth, The Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague Czech Republic; the Museum of Decorative Arts, Budapest, Hungary; The Museum of Applied Arts

From the Kilns of Denmark Contemporary Danish Ceramics, Maison du Danemark, Paris, France; Felleshus, Pan-Nordic Building, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin, Germany; Clara Scremini Gallery, Paris, France
Scandinavian Design Beyond the Myth, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan, Italy & The Design Museum, Ghent, Belgium
Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium
Biennale for Craft & Design, Trapholt Museum of Modern Art and Design, Kolding, Denmark Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalbor, Denmark


Brandts, Odense, Denmark
CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark
Danish Arts Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark
Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Devonshire Collection Chatsworth House, Chatsworth, UK
Grassi Museum of Applied Art, Leipzig, Germany
Hoganas Museum, Hoganas, Sweden
Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Hohr-Grenzhausen, Germany
Keramion, Frechen, Germany
Kobenhavns Billedkunstudvalg, Copenhagen, Denmark
KOS Museum of Art in Public Spaces, Koge, Denmark
Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Museum of Applied Art, Riga, Latvia
Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Japan
Nastved Museum Boderne, Nastved, Denmark
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden
The New Carlsberg Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim, Norway
Public Art Agency Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
Rohsska Museum, Gothenburg, Sweden
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schleswig, Germany
Trapholt Museum of Modern Art and Design, Kolding, Denmark
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK


Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968, Denmark

Thorvald Bindesboll Medal, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark

The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark
Lifelong Achievement Award, Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark

The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark

Visual Arts Project Funding, The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark

Danish Crafts, Denmark

Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation, Denmark

Annie og Otto Johs. Detlefs Keramikpris, Denmark

The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark
Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fund, Denmark
Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation, Denmark

Inga og Ejvind Kold Christensens Haderspris, Denmark
The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark

Danish Crafts, Denmark

Travel Grants, The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark
Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fund, Denmark

The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark
Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fund, Denmark

New York Grant from the Danish Ministry of Culture, Denmark

The Danish arts Foundation, Denmark
West Zealand County’s Craftsperson of the Year, Denmark

Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation, Denmark

Three-year working grant from the Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark

Center for Dansk Billedkunst (Center for Danish Visual Arts), Denmark

The CDK Prize, Denmark
Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation, Denmark


Danish Visual Artists, Denmark
The Society of Artists, Denmark
International Academy of Ceramics, IAC

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