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b. 1961, Frederiksberg, Denmark


Kolding Design School, Kolding, Denmark

Exchange student at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, Israel


Timberline, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France

Bente Skjøttgaard: Ten Tales of Glaze, Køppe Contemporary Objects, Rønne, Bornholm, Denmark
Bente Skjøttgaard: Tableaux, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France

Bente Skjøttgaard: Biotope, Ann Linnemann Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark

Look at Me!, Madoura, Vallauris, France

Look at Me!, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, Franc
Nature of Glaze, Pierre Marie Giraud, Brussels, Belgium

Bente Skjøttgaard, Espèces Nouvelles, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France
New Species, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France

Cumulus Congestus, Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Brussels, Belgium
Cumulonimbus, Copenhagen Ceramics, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Aire de Repos, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France

Fokus on Traces, Vejen Art Museum, Vejen, Denmark
Puls-Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium

Dans les nuages, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France
Cumulus, Ann Linnemann Studio Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Blås & Knåda, Stockholm, Sweden
Elements in White, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France
Køppe Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Puls-Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium

Galerie Maria Lund - La Galerie Danoise, Paris, France

Interglacial Period, Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen, Denmark

Galerie Maria Lund - La Galerie Danoise, Paris, France

Glazed Items with Ramifications, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Holstebro, Denmark
Puls-Contempory Ceramics, Brussels, BelgiumBente Skjøttgaard 2001–2003, Grimmerhus Museum of International Ceramic Art, Middelfart, Denmark

Puls-Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium

Glasurstykker (Glazed Items), Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen, Denmark

Håndvask (Washbasin), Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Shop, Amagertorv, Copenhagen, Denmark


Kirsi Kivivirta & Bente Skjøttgaard, HB381, New York, NY
3daysofdesign Festival, Peach Corner, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Ceramic Brussels Fair, represented by Galerie Maria Lund Paris, Brussels, Belgium

The Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023, Cheongju-si, South Korea
Alchemists Convention: A ceramic meeting between past and present, Vejen Art Museum,
Vejen and Peach Corner, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Bente Skjøttgaard & Anne Damgaard: Everything Flows, Museet Holmen, Løgumkloster, Denmark
Bente Skjøttgaard & Anne Damgaard: Everything Flows, Peach Corner, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Smoke, Jason Jacques Gallery for Last Prisoner Project, New York, NY
Les Flammes: L’Âge de la Céramique, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, Paris, France

Bend, Bubble and Shine: Copenhagen Ceramics, Hostler Burrows Annex, Los Angeles, CA
Bend, Bubble and Shine: Copenhagen Ceramics, Hostler Burrows, New York, NY
Glaze Tests, Galerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany
Stefan Reiterer + Bente Skjøttgaard, Stereo Exchange, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Glowing in the Dark, The Biennale for Craft & Design, Koldinghus, Kolding, Denmark
Peach Corner, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Ler er Livet, Erik Veistrups Samling, CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Grimmerhus, Middelfart, Denmark
Glowing in the Dark, Jason Jacques Gallery, New York, NY
Anne Damgaard and Bente Skjøttgaard: All Solid Melts into Air, Kunstpakhuset, Ikast, Denmark
Eight Marts Woman Nature, Store Kongensgade, Copenhagen, Denmark

Salon Art + Design NYC, represented by Side Gallery Barcelona, New York, NY
PAD London, represented by Side Gallery
Regarder les nuages, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Cambrai, Cambrai, France
100 Års Dansk Keramik, Kunstforeningen Det ny Kastet, Thisted, Denmark
100 Års Dansk Keramik, Sophienholm, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Ceramic Momentum: Staging the Object, CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Grimmerhus, Middelfart, Denmark
reCLAYmed, Berg Gallery AB, Stockholm, Sweden
Gabriel & Guillaume, Beirut, LebanonTurn Me On ... Now, Side Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
100 Years of Danish Ceramics, Sophienholm Lyngby and Kunstforeningen Det Nu Kastet, Thisted, Denmark

100 Years of Danish Ceramics, Maison du Danemark, Paris, France
Present, Musée & Jardins Van Buuren, Brussels, Belgium
Mesterværker Jubilæumsudstilling, Ann Linnemann Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Design Miami/Basel, Represented by Pierre Marie Giraud, Basel, Switzerland

Claytime!, Side Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Grand Designs — Clever Hands, CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Grimmerhus, Middelfart, Denmark
The Stars, They Are, Berg Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Design Miami/Basel, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Basel, Switzerland
Design Miami, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Miami, FL
Ultimate Impact: Five Phenomena in Nordic Design Culture, Rundetårn, Copenhagen, Denmark
Object, My Friends, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
Glaze, Glasur: Kemi - Masse - Myte, Sophienholm, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Special Exhibition: Modern Masters, International Trade Fair, Munich, Germany
Nuages, Galerie du WCC-BF, Mons, Belgium

Design Miami/Basel, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Basel, Switzerland
Design Miami, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Miami, FL
Nuages, Centre Céramique de Giroussens, Giroussens, France
Copenhagen Ceramics Invites, Galleria Salvatore Lanteri, Milan, Italy

Design Miami/Basel, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Basel, Switzerland
Design Miami, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Miami, FL
Random Growth, Contemporary European Ceramics, Phos Art + Design, London, UK
Climats Artificiels, Espace Fondation EDF, Paris, France
14e Parcours Céramique Carougeois, Biennale Internationale de Céramique
Contemporaine, Carouge, Switzerland
Many a Slip, Marsden Woo Gallery, London, UK
Glitter and Glaze, Superobjekt Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

10 000 Hours – What is Talent, TRAPHOLT Art Museum, Kolding, Denmark
Design Miami/Basel, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Basel, Switzerland
Design Miami, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Miami, FL
The Ceramic Object, Galleri Format, Oslo, Norway
Art14, Galerie Maria Lund, London, UK
Formed, Djanogly Art Gallery, Nottingham, UK

Design Miami/Basel, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Basel, Switzerland
Design Miami, Represented by Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Miami, FL
Copenhagen Ceramics Invites, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, FranceWe Would Be Delighted to See, Art Center Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, Denmark

Bodil Manz and Bente Skjøttgaard: Cuts and interventions, Copenhagen Ceramics, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Glasurglæder (Glaze Joys), Vejen Art Museum, Vejen, Denmark
Underværker: Masterpieces from Danish Private Collections, Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Denmark
Fra Sans til Samling: New Donations from Erik Veistrup, Grimmerhus Museum of International Ceramic Art, Middelfart, Denmark
Perturbations, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, France
Mindcraft 12, Danish Crafts, Ventura Lambrate, Milan, Italy

Seizième Biennale Internationale de Céramique de Châteauroux, Châteauroux, France
Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design, Koldinghus, Kolding, Denmark
The Sixth International Competition, GICBiennale, Icheon, South Korea
KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Galerie Maria Lund, Seoul, South Korea
Mindcraft 11, Danish Crafts, Ventura Lambrate, Milan, Italy
Living with Ceramics, Puls-Contemporary Ceramics at Ampersand House, Brussels, Belgium

Biennale International de Vallauris, Musée Magnelli, Vallauris, France
KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Galerie Maria Lund, Seoul, South Korea
Across, Carlsberg Ny Tap, Copenhagen, Denmark
2009 Collect, Køppe Gallery, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
The Invitational World Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition: Adventures of the Fire, South Korea
KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Galerie Maria Lund, South Korea
Quinziéme Biennale International de Céramique, Châteauroux, France
Room 141, Gallery Contemporary Ceramics, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK

Statistics><Ceramics, New Danish Ceramics, Röhsska Museet, Göteborg, Sweden;
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Lux-Lab, Gimsinghoved, Struer, Denmark
KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Galerie Maria Lund, South Korea

Collect, Galleri Nørby, V&A, London, UK
Biennalen, Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding, Denmark
Everything Is Flux, Drud & Køppe Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Bjerge i Dansk Kunst (Mountains in Danish Art), Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning, Denmark
European Ceramic Context, Bornholm Art Museum, Gudhjem, Denmark

SOFA Chicago, Galleri Nørby, Chicago, IL
The Carsten Løvbjerg Collection, Horsens Art Museum, Horsens, Denmark

SOFA Chicago, Galleri Nørby, Chicago, IL
Corner, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
Biennalen, Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding, Denmark; Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg,Denmark

SOFA Chicago, Galleri Nørby, Chicago, IL
New Danish Ceramics, The Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen, Denmark

From the Kilns of Denmark: Contemporary Danish Ceramics, The Museum of Art and Design, Traveling: New York, NY; Fitchburg, MA; San Diego, CA; Sacramento, CA; Racine, WI; Paris, France; and Berlin, Germany
Mellem Rum (In-between Spaces), Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik at Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen, Denmark

Keramik uden Fortilfælde (Ceramics of No Precedent), Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dansk Form: Design vom Nachbarn, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany

Keramik aus Dänemark, Galleri Handwerk, Munich, Germany

Bente Skjøttgaard and Anne Tphøj: I Blomst — I Vase (In Bloom – In Vase), Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik, Copenhagen, Denmark

Duplika: Danish Applied Art, The Danish Architecture Centre, Gammel Dok, Copenhagen, Denmark

En Badeværelseshistorie (A Bathroom Story), Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dansk Design Proces: Produkt, The Danish Architecture Centre, Gammel Dok, Copenhagen, Denmark

Rooms and Rituals of Everyday Life, Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Ceramic Jug, Marienlyst Castle, Helsingør, Denmark
The Danish Ceramics Triennial 1, Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding, Denmark

The Arts and Crafts Prize of 1879, The Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen, Denmark

Never Compromise on Quality, Spøttrup Castle Museum, Skive, Denmark
Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark
Charlottenborg Autumn Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark


Traces of the Jutland Cattle, Art Along the Ancient Road Hærvejen in Jutland, The Danish Arts Foundation


Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs’ Keramikpris
Danish Crafts
Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968
Det Reiersenske Fond
Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond
Inga og Ejvind Kold Christensens prisKunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879
National Workshops for Arts and Crafts, Ministry of Culture, Denmark
Nationalbankens påskønnelseslegat
Ole Haslunds Artist Foundation
Ole Haslunds Kunstnerfond
The Arts and Crafts Price of 1879
The Danish Art Foundation
The Danish Art Foundation Three-Year Grant
The Design Foundation
The Exhibition Award of Charlottenborg


Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs Collection
Carsten Løvbjerg CollectionCopenhagen Culturel Foundation
Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Erik Veistrup Collection, Museum of International Ceramic Art, Denmark
Fond National d’Art Contemporain, France
Grimmerhus, Museum of International Ceramic Art, Middelfart, Denmark
Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Holstebro, Denmark
Kunstforeningen af 14. August, Copenhagen, Denmark
Musée des Art Décoratifs, Paris, France
Musée National de Céramique de Sévres, France
The Danish Art Foundation
Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding, Denmark
Vejen Art Museum, Vejen, Denmark
Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK

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