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Marianne Huotari and Pekka Paikkari at the Kuopio Art Museum

Marianne Huotari, Ninni Luhtasaari, Pekka Paikkari and Armi Teva are featured in the exhibition Paratiisi (Paradise), which puts their work in dialogue with the older masters from the Kakkonen Collection. These four artists represent the range of styles in contemporary Finnish ceramic art. The Finnish form is often perceived as strictly functional and minimalist, even as rather serious. Paradise tells a different story of sprawling, colorful, and even humorous ceramic art. In this exhibition, the old masters of ceramics, from Juselius to Kaipiainen, meet some of the most interesting contemporary artists working in the medium.

The internationally known Marianne Huotari's roots in textile art are visible in her ceramic works. Ninni Luhtasaari and Armi Teva go crazy with materials. Pekka Paikkari's works combine massiveness and sensitivity.

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